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Panther Gecko:UVB and heating

22 14:02:42

I was thinking of buying a Panther Gecko but was unsure about specific aspects of its habitat. I'm new to this and am a bit confused on UVB as well as heating. Does the gecko need UVB since it is nocturnal?(Many have told me no which confuses me) Also will a heating rock suffice instead of a heating lamp? Thank you for your time.

Hello Adrian,

They really do not need UVB no, as being nocturnal.  They process & store D3 much differently so they can maintain their bone density on a different level than other reptiles without UVB lighting to help with absorption.

Some do use UVB & some claim that it does help.  So, if you do want to use some, then I would recommend a lower UVB output such as the Reptisun 5 tube bulb, that would be fine if you wanted to use one.  

We have kept leopard geckos & did not use any & they have been fine.  We did keep one in our earlier times, that we had a Reptisun 10 on, & he did fine with that.

So, it really boils down to a personal decision.  Healthwise, he will be fine without a UVB, but using a low level UVB might be beneficial as well.

No no heating rock, he can get burned on that.  Use an undertank heater instead in combination with a low wattage basking bulb for him.

How is that for confusion?  LOL  
