Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > bearded dragons eye

bearded dragons eye

22 13:56:11

Hi, I have a pet bearded dragon who is about seven months old. I came home today and took him out of his cage, and he seems to have puss coming from one of his eyes. Could there be something wrong? And if so what can i do to help fix it?
             Thanks you, Kaesey

Hello Kaesey:

Any time you witness pus coming from any location on any living thing, there is an active infection taking place and requires attention now.  I am not a Vet and even if I was I would need to see the animal in question before I would know what the problem is.  You need a vet. right away or tomorrow at the latest.  Eye infections can be minor or sever, if you have just noticed it maybe you will catch it early.  Please look in the phone book for a vet. close by and give them a call, your friend (The Dragon) will thank you for caring for him and doing the right thing.
Please write back and tell me how it is doing.        Best of luck