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My Baby Painted Turtle

22 13:32:32

It said I couldnt ask any more follow up questions, so im starting a new one. We ended up letting both go. First, we put a small enclosure for them to stay in one spot in the pond. Of course, the wild one got out of the hole so he is free. Pokie stayed on a rock and sunbathed. Then, i put him in the water, and he actually started to swim like he used to, and to top it off, both his eyes were open wide! We picked up the cage and just let him be by the shore, because we caught another baby painted turtle that was in the wild and his shell looked ALOT more healthier than Pokies so we felt really bad. Pokie is in the shore and sometimes I find him and I put eye drops in just in case. He was swimming really well and he didnt even sink to the bottom. We think he will find food, calcium, vitiman A, and whatever he needs in the wild that he can't get here. We realized its too much trouble and they should just be in the wild to catch their own food. We decided we can catch many moer and just keep them for 3 days and let them go.

Hello Alyssa,

Oh you decided to set them back into the wild then?  That may be better if they can get more light.  I am sorry, turtles are not the easiest animals to take care of & have very specific needs.  They should be fine, & have everything that they need in nature.  Calcium is found naturally in foods & bugs outside since the bugs ingest nutrition containing calcium & other vitamins & minerals as well.
Maybe you will see them from time to time.  I hope so anyway.  
