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Leopard Gecko of Course

22 15:10:28

Hi its me again. I was just wondering if there are any animals that could live with the Leopard Gecko without he/she being territorial about it. I was also wondering if there were any certain types of plants that the Leopard Gecko would speicaly like. One last thing is would a 15 inch by 12 inch space be enough for the Gecko or purhaps 2. Well hope you can help.. again.

No, I don't think that there are any animals that could live with them without them eating one another.  I don't think that I would put any live plants in their cage.  I have a few fake plants in my cage and that works better and it helps her shed.  The minimum requirements for a cage is 200 square inches and you have 180 square inches so you don't even have enough room for one leopard gecko.  And I reccommend that you get one keep it for a year and decide if you like it then consider getting a second one.
Hope this helps,
Tyler F.