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Pacman Frog not eating....

22 14:27:15

Me and my girlfriend Tanya have had a PacMan Frog for about 4 months now.  He usually has a very good appetite but lately hasn't been eating the crickets we put in and is seeming to lose a good amount of weight.  when i looked at him he seemed to be doing something like a sneeze but i think he would do that before.  Any idea what I can do to help him or should we take him to the vet?

Dear Travis,
thank you for your question.
Pacman frogs sometimes hibernate, but not at a certain time and the factors that make them go into estivation (the correct name for this) are not clear. During that time, they won't feed and usually will bury themselves and their skin will harden to rpevent loss of moisture. Here's some more info on it:

But I recommend seeing a herp vet with the frog to rule out any health problems, the weight loss is not normal. You'll find a list of herp vets here:

I hope I was of some help to you