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feeding bearded dragon

22 14:22:06

We bought a bearded dragon in Sept. She seems to be eating us out of house
and home and growing A LOT! I have tried mangos, strawberries, roman
lettuce and does not seem interested in the least bit. I believe they call this
gut loading before you feed them crickets and meal worms in which she
loves. I am concerned that maybe be eating too much of the insects. She has
become quite fat. Is it possible to feed them too much? How much should she
be eating... and how can I get it interested in more fruits and veggies? I
approximate her age between 6-8 months

Hello Katie,

Yes, they will eat tons at the young age.  That is great that she is growing so much she must be pretty healthy then.  :-))
Well, what exactly are you feeding her insectwise?  They can become too fat if they are fed too many fatty insects at the younger age when they eat so much.
The best feeder source when they are younger is crickets or roaches because they eat so much.  The ocassional mealworms are ok, but should not be fed as a sole staple though because the mealies are pretty fatty.  
What do you feed the insects, do you feed them a dry gutload mix which is available to them 24/7?  It is a good idea to do so, just so the insects are as nutritious as possible prior to feeding them to her.
At the age of 6-8 months, she can still have as many insects as she wants, at least 2 times per day, & continue to offer greens & veggies.  However, some better sources of greens are mustard greens, collard greens, dandelion greens, endive, escarole, & sometimes romaine can be mixed in for some variety.  
One popular way to get them interested in their salads, is to put a few worms in with the salad to help entice more interest.  
The fruits only really need to be offered a couple of times per week due to the sugar content.  The veggies can be offered daily along with the greens.  
Here is a great site with tons of information on feeding.  It is:

Click on the nutritional link for it.  

Maybe you could post a picture of her so I could see her?  

Good luck.
Let me know how things are going.
