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childrens python

22 14:22:05

Hi, I just bought a childrens python..
He's 18 months, and still a little bitey.. Is there any way of calming him down? Or making him less 'bitey' .. I'm doing everything in regards to letting him know I'm about to pick him up, correctly picking him up.. And not moving quickly at him..
Please let me know, thankyou!

Hi Jordyn, Even docile species can be a bit nippy when they are young but at a year and a half they are usually past it. I would not give up on him but be aware that there are always a few exceptions to the rule when it comes to generalizations about temperament. I have had dozens of corn snakes over the years (also a a very docile species) but have had one female for years that just did not get that memo and rattles her tail and coils when I am in her cage!
The things that can help (you are probably already doing most of these) is to make sure the snake is well awake, especially with a primarily nocturnal species like a Children's. Don't "sneak" into the cage, make sure he feels the vibration of your approach to avoid startling him. Snakes are preyed upon from above and will react defensively to something swooping in from above. If you reach for him more from the side that can help. It can be a bit hard to do in small tank. I have noted many times that when people expect a bite and are bit nervous they tend to be hesitant with their hand and move it in and out and around the snake, looking for a safer approach and that can really make a snake nervous and suspicious. Try to move toward him in a steady and decisive motion.
Some snakes are bitey just when initially approached to be picked up but are fine once they get in your hands. Using something like a snake hook to pick them up before handling can get them past this stage. I feel a little silly using a snake hook on one of the smallest, most docile pythons in the world, but it is a common suggestion for this situation.