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dose of panacur for bearded dragon

22 11:43:54

Hi Tracie
I was going to give my beardie panacur for treatment of worms,but unsure how long to give for.I have the correct dosage for her weight,but not sure if i give one doze then repeat after 10days or give for a week.My vet has left the practice where i used to go and unfortunately there is no other qualified vet in my area.A few years ago she prescribed panacur and i remember giving for a week!?I would be grateful for your help.
Many thanks

Hello Gwen,

I normally recommend giving Panacur once every 7 days, for a maximum of 3 treatments.
What are the levels of worms in the sample?
How is your dragon doing overall, eating well or is he not eating or basking?

Let me know how that goes for you.
