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Mayhem - Blue tongue skink

22 14:22:21

My skink has left over shed in his ears, they are fully capped over on the inside... his belly is pinkish/white not sure what they say when they say "milky" but i dont know what to do.... help please

Hi Kerri, I think that the "caps" that you are seeing may actually be the tympanic membranes (ear drums). Blue tongues have a recessed tympanic membrane, there is a small ear canal and the membrane is visible just inside that. It will be a solid piece and looks kind of like a big scale. Iguanas, turtles and tortoises have a very visible tympanic membrane. It is not recessed but is even or flush with the rest of the skin on their head. You can see it as a circular area just behind their eyes. Other lizards like beardeds and BTS have a recessed ear drums. You have to look into the "holes" in their head to see them. I have linked a couple photos, one of a bearded where you can see the tympanic membrane in the ear canal and an iguana where it is right at the surface.