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Abandon Bearded Dragon

22 13:34:53

About a week ago, a friend of mine, who works at PetSmart, got a call from a lady who said she found a strange lizard in her back yard. She took it up to the store so he could identify it, and it was a bearded dragon. He gave me a call and asked if I would like to keep it (I already have a bearded dragon), I said yes. It wasn't until after I saw it that I recognized it was a male. I have always been told that it isn't safe to keep two males together, but they don't seem to mind each other. Anyway, his color is very strange. It's the darkest red before reaching dark brown. I'm wondering if he will lighten up and/or if his color is normal? (My other bearded dragon lightened from a dark brown to a light yellow) Also, he only has a couple of finger nails, is that normal? And should I be worried?

Hello Katie,

Well, if you have 2 males together, you will end up having terrible problems.  They will really injure each other.  How old are they?
I have 2 males & they would kill each other if they were housed together.  So, are you sure it is a male?  It sounds like you have a male & a female.
Plus, it is recommended to quarantine any new reptile before putting it in with the one you have at home in case of disease or illness.  I would hate for your dragon to get sick from the new one.

I don't know if he will lighten up or not, it depends on stress levels & temperatures.  He must have lost his fingernails from previous care.  Does he have any swelling on any of his hands or feet or limbs?
