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Squirrel tree frog

22 13:31:03

I found a Squirrel Tree Frog being eaten by small ants, and it was still alive so i decided to take him with me. After some few hours he got nursed back to health. The only weird thing about this is that he has 5 legs. I decided to keep it. But so far I want to know what type of tank size I should get, what I should use for land, and does it live on just land or in water too? So I mostly want to know what I need in its tank and stuff, and how to tell its gender. Thanks

Sexing the species is outside my realm.  I would keep it at 60% humidity on Junglebed by TRex and use lots of vines or similar plastic plants.  A shallow water dish would be fine.  A 20 Gallon tank would be a good size to house one of them.  Feed it crickets of appropriate size and make sure the heat is around 75 degrees constantly.  Five legs means that they have probably been exposed to some type of toxin within their water when they were being laid nothing to worry about but it is interesting.  If you have any other questions or need further clarification just follow up with me.