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Camilion not eating and just lying around

22 13:59:29

The temperature in the cage is 75 and humidity 57. I have 75W Sun Glo Neodymium Basking Spot Lamp pointing towards the cage. I feed him 6 large crickets every 3rd day. I spray the cage 2 to 3 times a day.
Please help me with how I can help him.
Thank you very much.

Hi Rashmi,
 First, there are many kinds of chameleons, is yours a Veiled?  Jackson's?  Panther?  And I would need to know his age, the size of his enclosure, if it is well ventilated.  Also, is he getting enough food for his size.  I strongly suggest getting him to a good reptile veterinarian to rule out possible medical issues.  Do that first.