Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > BEARDED DRAGON INJURY!!!! S.O.S


22 14:46:12

I have a bearded dragon and her butt is hanging out and bleeds.
She has not had eggs and I don't know what to do.
I live in Beijing China, there are no vets!!!!!!
I don't want her to die

Hello Oliver, I'm afraid that what she has is serious and really should be seen by a vet, is there a sympathetic cat and dog vet that can try to  help you?

She is suffering a prolapse, likely part of her cloaca or intestines. Here is what you need to do to increase her chance of surviving until you can (hopefully) see a vet.
The tissue must be kept clean, moist and un- injured. The goal here is to prevent the tissue from drying out and dying and/ or becoming infected.
There is an old farming trick used on livestock that can sometimes help that involves soaking the tissue in a super  saturated sugar and water solution. Dissolve as much sugar in water as you can and sit her in it. This can help gently and safely draw some fluid out of the tissue and help it to retract into the body. Plain water tends to make the tissue swell even further, if you happen to have saline (for contact lenses) use that to clean the tissue. After you have rinsed the tissue clean apply something to lubricate it like vaseline,  an antibiotic ointment or even olive oil.  Keep her on newspapaer or paper towel to prevent the tissue from being injured. You can try to gently push it back into the vent if only a small amount is showing but don't force anything. It is very likely that it will prolapse again when she defecates. I'm hoping for her recovery for you, good luck.