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Extreme Thirst and Odd Wastes

22 14:00:36


I have a juvenile leopard gecko, and she is healthy-looking. Everything appears to be normal except she seems to be drinking a lot more than I have ever seen her drink. She stood at her water dish for nearly an hour, periodically drinking from it, and then she would go to the opposite end of the enclosure like she was trying to poo. When she sat there for a few minutes, she would return to the water dish and drink some more, then repeat. A moment ago, she did use the bathroom, but it was perfectly clear, like water, and has no scent. A little while ago she did poo, but it was an odd, grayish white color and very watery. She still eats ravenously, and her tail is nice and fat. Do you know what this is and if I should worry?

Thank you,

Hello Elizabeth,

You mentioned that her stool was grayish in color? Did she have any urates with the stool?   
Extreme thirst can sometimes indicate kidney problems.  Though with her being a juvenile, it seems somewhat unlikely for her to have kidney problems.
Do you have a moist humid hide in her tank for her?  What are the temps & what type of thermometer are you using to measure the temps?  Do you use an undertank heater as well?
So her stool has no smell at all?  It was very loose, as in diarrhea?  
What foods do you feed her?  
What type of substrate is she on, sand, paper towels?  
