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stressed bearded dragon

22 14:16:13

I have a 2 year old male bearded dragon and decided to get him a female. She is around the same age. I brought her home about 2 weeks ago. She was fine but in the last two days she has turned completely dark although she has the proper temperature and has been eating. What does this mean and how can I fix it?

Hello Britney,

It is not a good idea to house a male & female together, I hate to say.  It stresses them too much.  The male may try to repeatedly mate with her which will stress her out.  
It is only suggested to put them together for short periods to breed if that is your goal.  However, it is never recommended to put another dragon in with another one without the proper quarantine of at least 3 months before housing him or her with your current one.
You are going to have to separate them or she may not do very well.  They really are solitary creatures & prefer to be alone.  Sometimes, you can successfully house two females but never two males or a male & a female constantly.  
Her constant darkness is stress related & it most likely wont improve without separating them.  
