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Precocial or Altrical

22 13:55:45

Hi, I was wondering if you could tell me whether White Tree Frogs and Water Dragons are Precocial or altricial animals?


Dear Emma:

At 7AM, your question sure woke me up to say the least.  My 40 years of experience revolved around snakes, mostly venomous.  I have owned several other species of reptile and studied many of them but your question brought back a couple of terms that I have not heard of in years.

I would have to say that both species would lean twords being on the Altricial side if I had to pick one of the two definitions only.  These terms are normally used when discussing Avian types of life.  Neither the tree frog or the water dragon receive maternal or paternal care after hatching (as far as I am aware of)and the term precocial also has to do with animals having a downy type covering at hatching and neither have this.

I would suggest that you pick another expert who's background leans more along the amphibian course of study.  I wish I could have been more helpful with your questions.
