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hello tracie

22 14:38:07

QUESTION: my name is andy i am 23 and interested in setting up a terrarium i have tried kritter keepers but only have had my geckos die...i was wondering if a black light would be be ok for any breed of lizard  thank you much i will be looking forward to your e mail

ANSWER: Hello Andy,

A black light really is only for geckos at night.  Most lizards require bright white light for basking such as bearded dragons, iguanas, anoles.  
How are you keeping your geckos?  Do you have an undertank heater that you have used?  Kritter keepers are not a good environment for geckos for living because they are not large enough & you can't put an undertank heater on the bottom of them.
If you want to get another gecko, let me know & we can get it all setup right for you.  You would need at 20 gallon tank for a leopard gecko or crested gecko.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: i had one house gecko in a kritter keeper with a light that came with it and stupid me put a small heater on the bottom and it melted the tank and unfortunately the gecko died as well i have a 15 or 20 gallon tank a heater for the bottom reptile bark and a black light would that all be ok? for just small house geckos thank you  very much and have a good morning

Hello Andy,

Ooh, that is too bad you had to learn that way, with the plastic kritter keeper.  Poor house gecko.  
A 15-20 gallon tank is fine.  I would not use reptile bark though, as the gecko could accidentally ingest a piece of bark.  Plus, it can harbour bacteria & crickets will hide in it.  The best substrates are non adhesive shelf liner, reptile carpet, or felt.  We have used felt & it actually is very nice.  Just get the green color, & cut several pieces so you always have a clean piece ready.  Just place the undertank heater on the side with the cave/hide & put in some moss in the hide/cave & keep it moistened.  That way he has some moisture to help him with shedding, etc.  
A ceramic heat emitter or a low wattage household lightbulb would be best for daytime.  There should be a hotspot of around 88-90 during the day, & make sure he has a cool side of 78-80 as well.
Is the blacklight for heating or just so you can view him?  I don't recommend the blacklight for the day, but at night it is ok to use.
