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baby bearded dragon possible ingestion

22 14:45:37

I bought my bearded dragon about a week ago and ive been reading up on ingestion in baby beardies. he was showing all the symptooms like extending their hind legs,not moving very often, etc. i havce fed him crickets that are pretty large to him. but now he "looks" better. in the past 2 days hes made 2 bowel movements and he isnt so dead looking.ive tried feeding him romain lettuce but hes not eating.any advice or information will be greatly appreciated. from my story, what do you think?

Hello Alex,
Remember to feed items that are no bigger then the space between your beardie's eyes. Does he have a UV light? If not then that could be a BIG problem. YOu have correct temperatures? And you are not using sand as a substrate right? I do not know a lot about medical problems but I can help with some links that you can get information.

Remember that there is no stupid reason to visit a vet and if you feel something might be wrong then nobody could help you better then a trained professional.
Good luck and I hope he is ok.
Also here are some links to finding a good vet in your area