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Beardy gone off his cricks

22 14:45:38

I purchased a baby beardy called Bruce about two months ago hes 3 months old and about 10inch head to tail.
His viv is set up with a UV light on during the day and off at night, he has a basking area which is 100c during the day and a cool area which is about 80 dropping at night time.
Bruce loves his salad he eats fresh salad almost every day inc sweetcorn, apple, broccoli and grated carrot.
Since i brought him home he loved crickets and was eating between 5 and 15 a day,
i heard that meal worms weren't good for baby beardies so treated him with some wax worms, i hand feed them to him and since this he doesn't seem to chase his crickets any more, is he just getting lazy because ive been hand feeding him or is there something wrong with him??
Bruce is very alert and doesn't seem ill he just seems to have gone off his crickets.

Hello Emma, thanks for all of the information. How long have you been feeding waxworms? Waxworms are very fatty and can be addictive. They should only be fed as a treat maybe once or twice a week at the most. Once they start getting waxies all the time they wont want anything else because yes, fatty foods taste good. So why eat a cricket when you know you can have a waxworm. And yes Mealworms aren't good for babies or adults really. Stop with the waxwroms keep the salad in there. And feed crickets. If he is hungry he will eat the crix. For worms Silk worms are probably the best. And another important thing is to watch the food size. The food pieces or insects should be no bigger then the space between his eyes. Hope he starts eating his crickets, good luck.

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