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frogs and hermit crabs!

22 14:45:39

I was wondering if hermit crabs and frogs could live together in the same cage?

Dear Kitty,
thank you for your question.
This is not a good idea for several reasons. The frogs and crabs may not have the same needs (humidity/temperature ect.), depending on the frog species. Frogs and crabs may also harm or at least stress each other: the frogs may try to eat the crabs and the crabs may climb over the sleeping frogs or even try to nibble them. Frogs are also slightly toxic, which may harm the crabs. The frogs may also carry parasites that can harm the crabs.
Unless your enclosure is really huge (say, 8x3x3 ft long, wide and high) I wouldn't co-house any species. In an anclosure that's so big, you can create microclimates asnd the animals have room to avoid each other, but in smaller tanks that's just not possible.
I hope I was of some help to you