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22 13:28:06

hi i have a pet frog he was a tad poll and now has no tail , i was just wondering .. how long can frogs go without eating and what can i feed hi around my house ?

Once the tail is completely gone, you should feed the froglet daily.  Give it as many insects as it can eat in 15 minutes, then remove the leftovers (crickets can be dangerous to froglets if they aren't eaten--they can nibble toes at night).

Feed it small live insects that it can easily fit into its mouth--froglets can choke to death trying to eat prey that is too large (and they will).  Insects from around your home aren't recommended, as they may have been exposed to pesticides or other nasty things.

Depending on the size of the froglet, you could feed it flightless fruit flies or appropriately-sized crickets from the pet store.  They should be dusted with a calcium powder containing vitamin D3 (also available from the pet store).  PetCo carries flightless fruit flies, and most pet stores carry crickets, though if your froglet is very small, you may have to call around to find pinhead or 1/8" crickets.

Make sure your froglet has a proper setup, with land and water areas, and that the temperatures are right for it.  Reading a care sheet for the species of frog you have is the best idea.  You should look up several online (to make sure you don't get a bad one).
Never take advice from pet store personnel.

Froglets will grow fast, which is why they need to be well-fed.  Until it is fed, the froglet is living off the last of its fat reserves--most of the reserve nutrition was in its tail.  There's no way to predict how long it could go without food.