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Corn snake care

22 13:57:53

i had a friend that had a corn snake and it was going good and then after about 2 months it wouldnt eat. and it thinkin it was from not eating cuz it went a long time without eating. He thinks it was the Heat wasnt right.
anyway i wanted to get a cornsnake. i just want to know wat the right way is to heat his cage and the right way to feed him/her. so if u could help mee that would be awesome ;)
oh and i already have bearded dragon...and of course ill put them in seperet cages

Feeding is easy, one prey item once per week.  Heating is easy too, 70's on the cool side 80's on the hot side.  Corns in general are easy!  I'd bet your friends suffered from some sort of intestinal parasite.  

I have baby corns available and ready to ship if you don't already have one scoped out.  I have regulars and albinos.  Let me know if you're interested!