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???? help

22 11:52:34

my beaded dragon is about 5 to 6 mounths old and he was eatting big crickets at first for a little i got him at a mounth and a-half and had to buy a new lap so he whent with out uvb bulb for a less then a mounth got the light and i seen his legs were getting dragy and we toke him to a vet and she sid his calcium lvls were low gave us liquid calcium and he has impoved a little but does not stand on his legs really but he is active when he eats and his eyes are open he is still curious as ever, i would call the vet but i live alone and money sadly is really short so i just want your opinion because if i can treat it i will try all in my power

Hello Daniel,

Sorry for the delay!
How long has he not been able to use his back legs very well?
What type of UVB are you using now?  Is it a fluorescent tube bulb or a compact/coil light?
Sometimes, when they fall prey to metabolic bone disease, it takes awhile for them to completely regain full use of the back legs.  
What type of feeders are you giving him?  If the crickets are larger than the space between his eyes, that can cause impaction issues.  Is he going to the bathroom regularly?

What is the dose of the calcium he is getting now, since it is liquid calcium?
What are the basking temperatures he is at?

You can post some pictures of him, too if you have some.
