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blind anole?

22 14:34:15

My son's bahaman (brown?) anole was severely dehydrated when we got back
from vacation. We've been misting like crazy but noticed he wouldn't eat
either and his eyes were sunken in and then closed shut. After researching on
the internet,  I gave it a few drop of water on his lips and he (she?) started
drinking. So throughout the day we kept giving him water droplets and
misting the cage. He started looking better right away (plumping up and his
skin looks pretty normal) but now his eyes are still closed shut (not sunken
though). I'm assuming the dehydration did damage to his eyes and he's blind
now? Do they have a chance of opening? If not, is there a way that I can get
him to eat something? I'm assuming he won't eat what he can't see and he
hasn't eaten in days.

He's moving in spurts around the cage and picking his head up... so I have a
glimmer of hope for him. He hates being handled and I'm afraid to pick him
up in this state.

Any help? Thanks in advance.

 Right now hydration is the first thing he needs.  Hopefully his sight will return but only a vet will be able to tell you that, and whether the dehydration damaged his kidneys. It is always important that if the family is gone for more than a couple of days, that all pets have some sort of caregiver see to their needs.
  I would also suggest diluting some sports drink that has electrolytes in it and giving that to him may help balance him better along with sugars for energy.