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Ball python wont shed (cont.)

22 13:57:09

Back once again. In response to your last questions, the temperature is 80-82 on the bottom of the tank. I moved her thermometer and hygrometer to the bottom a week or so ago.

She did eat a hopper Thursday, but would only eat one. I had fed her one on Monday, so that's probably why she wouldn't take another one. As I said a few messages ago, the hoppers are about 1 1/4 in. long. I had a friend of mine who has dealt with many many snakes, size them out for me and give me an eye of what she should be eating.

When I had sent you that last letter, I hadn't seen any proof of her shedding, there were just loose, prematurely shed, scales. However I do have good news. When I left Friday for a family reunion, there was still no solid evidence of a shed coming on. Her scales were darker, and her optical scales were still clear. I came back today -Sunday- and now her eyes are the bluish tinge I've been looking for. I do hope she has a good layer of scales underneath, considering some of her scutes were prematurely shed and there is still no sign of new keratin production underneath.

Hello Andrew,

That is great news to hear!  I hope that she is going to shed, it sounds like it with those blue eyes.  Our snake is getting ready to shed, also.  
At least she is eating though but most times they wont eat close to shedding anyway.  Well, those temps are pretty decent.  Did you figure out what you were going to do about an undertank heating source?
The hoppers sound like they are the proper size for her, so that shouldn't be a problem.  
