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Water Dragon refuses to eat

22 14:45:33

QUESTION: I am worried about my Water Dragon. Since I moved it into a new terarrium 2 days ago, it hasnt eaten. Before then It would always happily eat. It's new living area is now much bigger and has a water area, however it is now sharing the terrarium with some small turtles. I didn't think they would stress out the water dragon, since they often swam together before and interacted without violence. Mabye another problem is that the new terrarium has no hiding spaces. I had thought my water dragon would be comfortable enough to enjoy the large amount of space and freedom in it's new habitat. Could you offer any advice please? Thank you, Tom

ANSWER: Hello Tom, it could just be stressed because of the new enclosure it is really common. Especially if they have been in the old one for a long time. This is all new to him and he needs time to adjust. I would suggest NOT housing him with turtles of any kind. It might appear fine but turtles are actually really territorial. And they are much better swimmers then the water dragon. Get him some hiding places like a large bushy Dracaena plant or some rocks and that might help a bit too. Give him 2 more days and if he doesn't eat then you might have a problem. Take out the turtles and get them in their own space. And give the guy some hiding places. Let me know how it goes, hope he starts eating soon. Good luck

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I have moved my Water Dragon into his previous habitat, yet he still has not eaten any full meals. He seems to still be healthy and active, yet he shows no interest in eating. I have offered him meal worms and some small fish in addition to his usual diet of crickets. He did bite the small fish, but didnt eat it. I noticed he is shedding his skin right now, mabye this could have something to do with it.

Shedding can be stressful to lizards and they can refuse to eat. Fill your bath tub up with 78F water that is low enough he can keep his head out but cover most of his body. Place a rock or something in the middle so he can climb up and out but place him in the tub and this will help with shedding. The warm water is really good for it. If you don't feel comfortable with it then make sure his enclosure is very humid and warm. Is he alone in this enclosure? Give him some time try something like 1 and only 1 waxworm and see if he goes for it. Then mix in some silk worms with the one waxworm and see if he takes those. Wax worms are very fatty and not good to be fed everyday but as a treat they are alright and help with their appetite. BUT they can be addictive and they can refuse to eat anything else. So on a dish put a few silkworms and one waxworm. Silk worms are the opposite of wax worms very very nutritious and a great staple. Make sure that the insects you are feeding are no bigger then the space between his eyes. If you are really worried them take him to the vet and get a fecal check. He might have parasites or something else. Call the local vets see if they treat reptiles then ask them what they recommend. If you should bring him in, if they think he is ok, etc. Good luck and I hope he starts eating regularly again.