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spiny tail lizard

22 14:32:00

I was given a spiny tail lizard around 2 months ago.  She's approximately three years old. My question is, is it normal that recently her bowel movements have increased in size (roughly twice as large,though she still only has one poop  a day)and that they have a very strong smell?  Her diet hasn't changed.  I continue to give her a variety of vegetables each day.  I just wondered if it's as simple as she's getting bigger, or if she could be ill.
Thanks so much for any help you're able to provide.

ANSWER:   As she gets bigger, she eats more and so the poop increases.  This is normal.  However, an increase in odor may be due to parasites.  She needs a vet check with a fecal test done.  Big poops are good, really stinky poops are not.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: What sort of parasites might she have and where would she have got  them.
Thank you,

Some parasites are always present in the digestive system, same as any other animal, including humans! Stress can cause levels to rise, also unwashed greens and poorly cared for prey, such as prey bought at pet shops or wild caught prey.  I had one girl beardie that came from Florida who added wild anoles to her diet when in her outside pen.  She had giardia and had been treated for it every year till she came to me, no anoles in NY, so after a summer of treatment here, she never had giardia again.

Common parasites in many reptiles, depending on your area can be pinworms, coccidia, giardia, hookworms, and flukes.