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green tree frog

22 14:15:18

Hello,  I just fed my green tree frog a cricket. when i bought them i asked for small because she is only about 2.5 inches himself. Well i asked them if the cricket was going to be too big and if he will choke. They said no... well I fed him and right after he ate, he crinched his stomach/body and turned a very dark green. he then moved in a way aroung the bottom of the cage that i have never seen him do before. He then sat in the water dish and that is where he is right now. Should i worry? Thank  you.

Hi Amber, If this is not behaviour you have noticed after previous feedings then I would keep an eye on him. It does sound like the cricket may have been a bit big and he was contorting  to help move it along. Full sized crickets have their fully developed outer wings making them much firmer and harder to digest then medium crickets. This can be an issue for small animals that swallow their food whole, without chewing. Make sure his tank is warm, that will help him digest and resist any urge to handle him. Sitting in water is obviously normal but it can be a sign of problem if you notice him in there for hours on end or during the day when he would normally be tucked away asleep. Frogs in distress are often drawn to the water.