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release a leopard gecko in the wild

22 14:31:48

I bought a leopard gecko a few months ago.  It has been healthy and easy to care for but I feel sorry for it living a life or boredom in a cage.  I see all the wild geckos crawling on our window at night (in N. Texas) and I wonder if our gecko would survive being released into our backyard or perhaps somewhere else? Thanks.

Hi Shelly,
In many places it is illegal to release captive bred reptiles into the wild....
to do so can cause death to the wild species there as that the diseases that captive bred carry can and will wipe out wild species in a short time.
Leopard geckos are not native to are seeing different species outside.
He would not survive...if you no longer wish to keep your leo, please place it up for adoption. Its up to us, as owners to make their captive life interesting.  Provide climbing areas, hiding places, take them out of their cage, etc.