Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Beardy is sleepy

Beardy is sleepy

22 14:19:22

QUESTION: Hello. I got a baby bearded dragon last week. He is 7 inches long, and looks healthy. I have the repta-sun 10 uvb, and the basking area is 102f. his tank is about 20 gallons. I have fed him propperly sized crickets, exept for once. I asked some one to feed him while I was at school, and the fed him a 1 inch cricket.
The problem is, that when I got him he ate 10 crickets, and now he does not seem intrested by them. however, he does love mealworms:) I try not feeding him to many because I here that they are not good for him. He seams to always be sleeping. he very rarly opens his eyes, exept when you touch him. he sleeps with his stomach wedged flat up the corner of the aquarium. Also when I first got him, he was very active and would run around the cage. But now he just sits were ever he is and does not move. Even when I go down to try to get him to move his legs, he does not. He jsut sits there and hisses.

Thanks for all your help.


ANSWER:   If you bought him in a pet shop and he's 7" long, chances are he's a lot older than a baby, just stunted by poor care.  He may be over 4 months old and his juvenile hormones have kicked in.  
 Another factor is dragons do go through relocaation stress, and this can disturb digestion due to a rise in gut parasites.  When he's been with you two weeks, have him checked by a good reptile veterinarian.
 Mealworms have a thick chitinous shell that can cause impaction, and overall are not the most nutritious.  If you must feed mealies while getting another prey source, like silkworms, hornworms, butterworms, phoenix worms or roach nymphs, then use only the ones that are freshly shed and appear white.
 How is he with his salad?  A well minced dish of calcium rich greens misted with water is essential for a now growing beardie.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: He bairly touches his salads. Do you think that he is just going through a stage were he sleeps alot and does not eat?



 Before I say that it could be that, I would urge you to have him checked by a good reptile vet.  He is so small to brumate, and needs to get some growth under him first.  
 Get some babyfood butternut squash and smear a little on his snout.  He should lap at it, he'll show he likes it by licking more when you do it again.  If he does, then smear his greens with it, that may get him eating his salad.