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Compatibility of Alligator lizards with other lizard species

22 13:55:21

I am a science teacher that was given an alligator lizard (E.c.p.) by a student that is no longer in my class, and could not get reliable information about where he caught it. ( I wanted to return it to the wild).  It is only about 5-6 inches long, a female I think, and I've had it living fairly contently in a 10 gallon tank with live plants, wood and other forest medium, eating crickets and meal-worms.  For about a year it was with a Physiagnus, and they both got along famously.  The Physiagnus died this past summer (of old age, I was about 8 years old, and no signs of disease or malnutrition), and the alligator lizard seems rather lonely.  That may be my imagination, but the two always hung-out together on branches, sometimes touching each other.  Is there any other lizard I can put into this tank that will get along?  I have access to a jeweled curly-tail lizard (male), but I read online today that they were rather aggressive, and mine is NOT.  Also, it has not gotten much bigger in the past year, which I am a little concerned about.

Thanks for your assistance!

I tend to avoid mixing species whenever possible.  However, since you have already done it and had good success who could certainly try it again with the same species.  Or perhaps try and get another alligator lizard (opposite sex) and try to experience the miracle of reproduction in the classroom.  Unfortunately, I am not at all familiar with any of the lizards you mentioned so I can't give much advice as to their temperament.  Are you providing UVB in the cage?  If not that could be the source of the growth problem.  Also a 10 gallon is a little small, see if you can find something bigger at a local yard sale or just ask the kids.  Odds are one of them has an old tank at home their parents would love to get rid of.