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Found a Gecko egg

22 14:28:19

The other day i found two small gecko eggs in some pots. I picked up one of them but the other one was cracked open. I could see the head, most of the body and the eyes were black.I have made an enclosure for the other egg, and am having trouble trying to hatch it. I have the temperature at about 32*c but am not allowed to keep the light on over night. It is a pinkish colour, and i think it is a House gecko.

HI Zoe
If the egg is not already dried out-which it might be because it was not buried after it was laid

You can follow the usual procedure of placing it into a covered container some moistened perlite and place it in an area of your house where the temperature stays between 80 and 85 degrees

When you move the egg-it should not be rotated or turned any way other than the way that you found it
You can use a sharpie to mark the top and pick it up with a spoon to transfer it to the container

You should not have to keep a light on it-room temps should be all right

I doubt that it will hatch if it has been exposed to the air for a long period of time but you never know-it might

Good Luck with the egg

Sandy aka LadyGecko