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baby chinese water dragon

22 13:52:38

Greetings and Salutations! I read your answers to Amy about her baby chinese water dragons. I will be really decimated if this guy dies. I have spent a large amount of money on his habitat and I am trying really hard.

He digs at the edge of the cage for hours on end in the evening. He sits with his mouth open for long periods of time, but not all the time. He lies flat, with his foot hanging, when he's basking. I haven't seen him eat in 2 days. I think he has no appetite for crickets. He doesn't seem interested in mealworms either, the lettuce has gone untouched and he was totally not interested in the ruby red fish i brought home.

I can't keep his humidity up, I'm averaging around 55%, dipping to 40 and occassionally kissing 70. I have a fogger. I spray like 6 times a day thoroughly. I have a large pond. My enclosure is 30 inches wide, by 1' by 1' I'm pretty sure. Right now I'm running a clamped zoo-med 100watt halogen bulb on one side of the cage for 12-14 hours a day, followed by a 75watt zoomed infared night time bulb for the rest of the time in the same clamp (swtiching bulbs every time).  I have oredered the flourescent buld you suggested to Amy, Reptisun 10 flourescent tube bulb, and a fixture to hold it to provide UVB.

My guy is fairly active for the most part. When he's not basking, he's digging. He even swims. He trieds so hard to get out, I named him Escape, he even climbs on the top screen trying to get out to see me. I'm just a worried new mom. He's about 10" long nose to tail end, maybe 3-4" body. And he needs to eat. He gobbled the wax worms I brough home with him, but the pet store said they were too fatty for him and I shouldn't feed them to him more often than every other week.

All advice is appreciated, thank you so much.

Hello Heather Ann,

What type of thermometer are byou using to measure the temperatures with?  What are the temperatures in the tank currently?  If he has his mouth hanging open a lot, then it sounds like to me he is too hot. possibly.  Good to hear that you are ordering the Reptisun 10 fluorescent tube light, he does need UVB exposure.   
The humidity does need to be 70-80% ideally, or there is risk of dehydration.  If you are having trouble with the humidity, you could cover a small portion of his tank with a towel to help hold in some of the moisture.  
Could you post a picture of your enclosure for me, just so I can see it?  
Where is the pond located, on the warm side or the cool side of the tank?  What type of substrate do you use in the tank?  If you use a mixture of sterile soil with NO chemicals, pesticides or perlite or vermiculite added along with sphagnum moss, that will help hold in moisture also.  

Let me know how things are going.
