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sores on each side of mouth

22 13:24:10

I have a berded dragon and we have to force feed him, he has sores on each side of his mouth. We got him medicine to able him to eat on his own, a fluid with all the things he needs.We fed him and he is gaining weight, but not sure he is having a bowl movement. He can not open his eyes very well. I relize we need to take him to a vet, but we will not be able to until 3 days, what can I do until then to make him better.

Hi Connie,
As you already know, a vet is needed and its great that you are getting him to a vet soon.
For now, you can try giving him a warm, shallow soak(bath) in the tub.  Many times that will stimulate them to go. You don't want the water any deeper than his elbows when laying flat and never let him unattended.
If he has some type of blockage, forcing him to go can cause a rectal prolapse which would also require vet assistance in most cases. Was a cause of his not eating found out? If he had sand(especially those labeled "edible") or other loose substrate, it may be a blockage that has stopped him from eating.  Also, feeding too large of a size insect can cause blockages also.
Since his diet has basically be liquids, it may take a while for him to produce any solid waste.
I would add paper towels to his cage so that you are able to see any places that he may be least passing liquids.