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Fire Bellied Newt Help!

22 14:35:31

QUESTION: I have a chinese firebelly newt that I have had for six years now.  He has always been very low-maintenance, and maintained a slim, but healthy size.  In the past few weeks he has lost an alarming amount of weight.  I have not changed anything in his environment, or changed his diet in any way. I have fed him "newt pellets" since the day I got him and he has been happy and healthy for six years. His behavior has not changed,he is still active and perky,but he looks way to thin...Should I try to change his food to the frozen stuff or something?

ANSWER: Hello Emmy,
The reason he is thin may be because of parasites. Usually parasites will cause animals to loose a large amount of weight very rapidly. To test for parasites a veterinarian will need a sample of the fecal matter. So you would have to get the newt's fecal matter into a plastic sealable sandwich bag to take to the vet. Bring a couple samples if you can, just in case.

Earthworms are very nutritious and good for them. If you could switch to that? They should be chopped up though.

Here is a link with lots of Chinese Fire Bellied Newts. Just to be sure that he is in fact underweight.

I hope this helps, Good luck

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I have tried a few different types of food/worms etc. and he is still getting thinner.  He has a lump sticking out in front of his back leg on his left side now.  Could this also be from a parasite, or does he have a type of cancer?
Also, I tried feeding him frozen worms from the pet store, but he didn't like those, should I try to give him fresh/freeze dried?

Hello Emmy,
The lump makes me think its metabolic bone disease (MBD). Which is kind of like osteoporosis in humans. MBD is a calcium deficiency and can be fatal if not treated early enough.

Here is a link with other symptoms and information on MBD (it is a water dragon web site and focused on lizards but its the same symptoms and such in Newts as it is Lizards)

Is it a hard bump or soft like an abscess? If he still isn't eating and getting more symptoms you should take him to a vet. It sounds serious to me, although I am no doctor.

If you look over the MBD link I gave you and don't think that is it then let me know.

-Have you tried hand feeding him? Did you thaw the frozen worms? If he still wont eat then get a plastic syringe (the baby medicine kind) and puree (or just blend up) some of the worms and other foods you are using. Stick it in the syringe and gently try to feed him with the syringe. Don't shove it down his throat but gently on his mouth. slightly inside if he will let you. but you want it smooth so he can lick at it and not have to work hard to eat... make sense? So try that. Its all the normal food you are giving him but in a mush and fed directly into his mouth he might start eating and get some nutrients in him before you can get him into a vet...

Good luck and I hope he is ok