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my 3 year old iguana wont eat!!!!

22 14:40:46

QUESTION: why won't my 3 year iguana eat???

everything in the cage is right for her breed size and food.

I'm worried about her!!!

ANSWER: Hi Kasadee, I always like to go over basic husbandry requirements even when owners are sure that everything is right. There is just so much incorrect information about iguana care given out through pet stores and on line that people follow in good faith only to run into health problems with their pet later. If it is winter where you live then re-check your basking temperature. You sometimes need to upgrade the wattage once the ambient room temperature drops, your basking spot should be 95- 110 F. She should be on a diet of primarily mixed greens with some vegetables and fruit and regular calcium supplementation. Ideally she should have access to a UVB producing bulb.

With a three  year old female the possibility of egg production also has to be considered. Females will produce eggs without being mated and iguanas can run into egg related complications. Even when there are no problems it can result in a lack of feeding. If you have noticed any restless behaviour in the bottom of the enclosure, especially looking and scratching in the corners that is a real indication of a female looking for someplace to lay her her eggs. It's important that she have a suitable spot to bury the eggs. It is suspected that lack of one contributes to egg binding.

If her lack of appetite is accompanied by a noticeable lethargy, dark colour, sunken eyes or any other sign of illness then your best option is to seek a vets opinion.

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QUESTION: well she is at the bottom of her cage about 7-20 times a day. that may be it .her temp is as good as you just said!!!!!!!

could you recommend some things for bedding for her to lay her unfertile eggs in and what should i do with them???

about a year ago at this same time she had an infertile batch.

ANSWER: Hi Kasadee, Iguanas bury their eggs in damp sandy soil. You will need to provide several inches of it to satisfy her instinct to dig. I have used those rubbermaid storage bins with at least about 8 inches of a sand and soil mix. It should be damp enough to hold a shape as she digs. Iguanas do not protect their eggs in any way as some crocodilians and pythons do so you can just discard them after they are layed. If she has had any contact with a male in the past year then you should also freeze the eggs as a precaution. She will need extra calcium in her diet for awhile afterwards to replace what she lost to the egg production. I've linked Melissa Kaplan's article on this topic for you to go over. I hope all goes well.

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QUESTION: hi my mom wants to know if she can eat the eggs!!! LOL

is there any chance that a 2 foot iguana would get her pregnant in any conditions???

i hope so!!!

if the guy is smaller than the girl can the girl hurt him during mating??????

Hi Kasadee, Tell your Mom that there is always a risk of Salmonella with iguana eggs so if she still thinks she wants to eat them she should cook them well! lol. I suspect that a 2 foot (total length) male would not be sexually mature enough to impregnate a female. You really have to give serious consideration to what will become of any iguanas that you may produce if you mate your female and incubate the eggs. Iguanas are over represented at all reptile rescue facilities. People love to buy the cute little babies but just don't want them when they get big. There are not enough people around like you (and me) that are able and willing to care for a 5 -6 foot lizard.I doubt that the male could be injured from the mating itself but if your much larger female bit him it could certainly cause serious injury.