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blue tailed skink in my house

22 11:59:48

Somehow a blue tailed skink found its way into my house.  At lest, that's what I think it is. I saw it on the wall for only a few seconds and then it ran off.  I have not been able to relocate it.  I would like to know if there is any way for me to find it and catch it so that I can put it back outside.  I live in Maryland if that makes any difference.
Thank you so much for your time.

Well it was a skink. It's known as a five line skink and the blue tail tell us that it's a juvenile as adults grow out of the blue tail. As far as relocating it in the house; usually the only way to do that would be look into any dark small spaces like the corners behind refrigerators where it might be warm. Other than that there really is no way that I am aware of to find a loose lizard.