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Swollen Arm

22 11:53:38


I have 2 butterfly agamas, the one has a swollen arm, below his elbow and above his wrist, I don't know what it is or what it could be. I am very worried about him :( when i touch it, he either tries to bite (which he has never ever done), or he throws his head back and closes his eyes in pain. I doknt know what it is!! Help!

There are a wide range of possibilities, ranging from a broken bone to an infection.  Please take your lizard to an experienced reptile veterinarian for diagnosis and treatment, just as you would any other pet.

Evaluate your husbandry--broken bones are often an result of hypocalcemia, which is due to a lack of calcium supplements when feeding commercial crickets or mealworms, lack of vitamin D3, or lack of UVB lighting.  (UVB fluorescent lights lose their potency after 6 months, and must be replaced then).