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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Guppies?

22 14:02:49

Hello.  We have a bearded dragon.  We feed him veggies fruit and crickets.  However he much prefers the animal protein to veggies and fruit.  We were wondering if he could eat guppies?  We occasionally give him a treat of a pinky mouse or rat (*as we breed them for food for our snakes*) Anyhow we also breed guppies for one of our snakes and we were wondering since we have an over abundance of them, if it was ok to feed them to shrek?

Your help is greatly appreciated.  Thanks Sandi

Hi Sandi,
Its old school thoughts that beardies should be fed pinkies. New studies have found that they are living longer and healthier on the diet of about 80-90% greens/veggies and 10-20% insects of different varieties as adults.  I would not feed them the guppies at all. Some people that breed beardies still, on occasion do offer a pinkie to their gravid females, but most good breeders have stopped doing that.
More in-depth care info can be found at:
Hope this has helped you out.