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Sick Toad Head Agama Urgent!

22 13:28:30

I purchased my toad head agama from an expo about two months ago and set him up in a tank with a forest armadillo lizard. I fed the two equally and gave them equal basking places as well as hiding spots. Recently I've noticed my toad head agama has red scratches on his body and his head is discolored and gray. He is sluggish and won't eat! Could this be a result of poor heating or lack of space? Please help, he seems to be getting sicker daily.  

Different species of reptiles should not be housed together--particularly imports.

All imports should be seen by a veterinarian and checked for parasites in the first month you have them.  Internal parasites can quickly build to lethal levels in a captive situation, due to reinfection.

You haven't mentioned what you fed them, how much you fed them, what the basking temperatures are, what the air temperatures are, what type of substrate you have, how large the cage is, or what the humidity level is.  So, your questions about heating and space can't really be answered.

Red scratches could be due to conflict with the other lizard, or they could be a sign of a skin infection.  Either way, please take him to a veterinarian with reptile experience immediately.  By the time a reptile shows signs of illness, it is generally VERY ill.