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Lethargic African Fat Tail Gecko

22 11:54:16

QUESTION: I have two African fat tail geckos, since July 2011. They were still very little when I bought them so I didn't know if they would both turn out to be females. As it turns out, one of them is a boy. He was the smaller of the two and now he is bigger and has a bigger appetite than my female. My female will stay in the moist hide pretty much all day. When I go to pick her up, she burrows deeper in the moist cave and when i take her out, all she wants to do is find a place to burrow. She doesn't seem to be losing weight, but it doesn't look like shes growing, or at least not as fast as my male who is growing very fast. Her appetite also decreased significantly. Should I be worried?

ANSWER: Hello Vera,

That is interesting.  Usually, housing a male & female gecko is acceptable.  Perhaps they may not get along, I am not sure.
Is she not eating at all that you can tell?  I think for now, you should go ahead & separate them to help get her healthy again.
Do you have an extra tank?
If she is not growing & is still young, she needs to be eating regularly.  
Sometimes it is more stressful for them to be housed with another gecko than to be housed alone.
What is your tank setup like, do you have a undertank heater & a basking light for them?


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Tracie,

I have a 10 gallon tank with an undertank heater, a dry hide, a moist hide (with moss), and a warm hide (where the heater is). I do have a basking light, but I haven't started to use it yet (I've been afraid to leave it on all day while I'm at work). The female seems to get along with the male, they are together a lot, its just that she always sits in the moist hide whereas my male is out of the hides often and makes rotations from hide to hide. The male definitely has a bigger appetite, but my female does eat too, she just doesn't seem as hungry as he does. I've never had geckos, so I'm just wondering if this is normal behavior. I clean their tank regularly and change their water everyday. I don't currently have a tank that is not being used, but it wouldn't be a problem to get one if you really think I should separate them.

Thank you for your advice!


Hello Vera,

Well, if it doesn't appear to be a dominance factor, then, housing them together shouldn't be a problem.
What does her demeanor seem like?  It may be that she just doesn't like to be out as much.  Though if she is losing weight you may need to try & feed her separately so he doesn't get all of the food.  
They all have different personalities, for sure.  
Do you know what the temperature is in the tank without using a basking light?  They need a hot spot of around 88-90 with a cooler end of around 78-82 or so.
