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Leopard Gecko Heating

22 11:54:17

QUESTION: I just purchased a leopard gecko, and most recommendations say to put a heating mat under the tank on one side... so they can regulate their heat, but right now I have a heat lamp on the one side that keeps that side at about 90 degrees. Which method is best?

If/when I do get a heating mat and switch to a normal light bulb, I was wondering if I leave the heat on 24 hours? Or if I turn it off the same time I turn off the light?

I would appreciate your help!

ANSWER: Amanda,    These guys are very easy to keep. They live in the desert and so not get their calcium from the sun like basking lizards. They are nocturnal. They need a kool side. No heating pad necessary. They need to kool down the deserts gets cold at night so turn the light off when you go to bed and on when you get up. They will in captivity come out during the day. Make sure they have a cave to hide in they love that during the day. Very important your light should be red since they only need it for heat they see on a different spectrum of light then we do. It is much better for this type of gecko. White light can bother them shedding and stress them out sweety. So make sure there is a bowl big enough for them to bath in and get out and something to rub on like maybe a nice big riverstone that is not sharp if its from outside fine just boil it about 25 minutes to kill parasites. The MOST important thing is they need a small bowl of calcium powder available at all times.Since they don't get it from the sun. They will eat it trust me put it in a corner in a heavy shallow small dish. The best thing I like to keep them on is the newspaper if juvenile when they are bigger I get the fake grass like porch covering astro turf stuff because it is easy to remove they can't ingest it quick to clean a little dishsoap antibacterial and put a couple drops rub together rinse and squeeze out put it back damp its great for humidity but in a pinch newspaper is just fine Thats it they are great. Keep handling you gecko it should stay pretty tame. During the day keep their tank at about 84 degrees at night room temprature is fine. Good Luck, Tina

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you. That is very helpful.

Is the 84 degrees the right temperature to keep it on the warm side or the cool side?

It is a juvenile - about 4 inches from nose to tail.  It is night time here and I just turned out its light, and I can already see it starting to get active. It ate one cricket I put in there. But it only walks around for about 10 seconds and then stops and closes its eyes again for quite a while.  Is this normal?  And it looks really skinny, especially its tail. Hopefully it will start to eat more and will fatten up a bit and get more active?

Hoping to raise a happy and healthy leopard gecko!

Amanda,    Stick it kind of in the middle check and make sure the water doesn't get too warm or move it over more towards its cave or home. Yes he is going to get more active as he cools down. He is acting just fine. Get your baby some waxworms they are soft,high in protein and FAT. Never leave to many crickets in during the day when they are resting so they don't bite your baby. He or she may not be growing well because of lack of calcium. Without that they will grow slower and be prone to broken bones.MBD(metabolic bone disease) Since they do not get their ultra violet from the sun cause they are usually in caves during the day in the wild.They can not create the vitamin D-3 which in turn becomes calcium so we have to give it to them. that's what that sounds like to me. In a couple more months you should be able to sex him or her. Very easy if you gently turn them on to their backs in your hand and push their tail down gently in a male there will be two bumps on both sides of the tail on the female it is like one straight across or barely visible. Keep me updated on his weight. , Tina