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what is wrong with my AWD?

22 14:03:42

Hi: thanks before hand for taking your time to read my question.
I am quite stressed over the health of my 2.5 years old AWD. She has always been very energetic, good appetite, and so on. but now, for the past 3 to 4 days she has become increasingly lethargic, and today she has become nonresponsive. to the point that i wasnt quite sure if she could see, but yes, she has caught a couple of crickets and kind of chase them as well. her walking pattern is very much of what you could expect from MBD, however i took her to the vet and he reckons that is nothing loke that. he cant tell really what it is. she can stay motionless forever. the vet took a sample of her poo and he said nothing wrong there either. vitals are normal, etc, so he gave her antibiotics to take once a day just in case of an infection. her breathing is a bit laboured too. i notice one of her nostrils is a bit inflamed.
What have i changed in their environment over the las few days was that, the heating bulb stop working and become i was too busy myself, i delay the buying of another one and instead i put a flood light at a certain distance that i consider not too hot. coincidently with that i notice they (3 juveniles same age living together) start going hyperactives, and jumping around. she has bumped her head more than a few times, so i thought a concusion but vet reckons not the case. overheating?. anyway, they got the proper temperatuer now however she does not seem to get better, she started antibiotics yesterday, how long should i wait for the medication to work? i am sorry i am taking to long on my question, please help me understand as i try to do anything i could to help

Hello Cristina,

Did the vet do a blood test on her?  That would be a good place to start to see if her calcium is low or her kidneys or liver are functioning properly.
Since you are in Australia, I realize it is fairly hard to get good UVB lights there.  What type & brand are you using?  A flourescent tube bulb or a compact/coil light?  If she is not getting adequate UVB exposure then she can't absorb her calcium properly & that can lead to metabolic bone disease.  
Can you post a picture of her for me?
What are the temperatures in the tank, & how high is the humidity?
If her breathing is off a bit perhaps she could have a touch of a respiratory infection.
So there are 4 EWD's housed together?  She is an adult & there are 3 juveniles living with her?  Can I suggest that you house her alone?  That could be too much stress for her also.
Which antibiotics is she on & what is the dosage?  How much does she weigh?  Be sure to keep her hydrated while on the antibiotics as they are hard on their kidneys & liver.
Is she losing weight?  If so, you will need to start intervening by giving her a food slurry out of babyfood & veggies & greens to help her out if she is not eating well.  
Technically, if the medication was given & there is an infection of some sort, you should see results within a few days.  If she doesn't have any infection, then it probably wont do any good but it will make her lose her appetite.  Do you have any probiotics?
