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living situatuations

22 14:52:51

can you have a bearded dragon and other reptiles live togather(such as a geko) and one more question. I have a full grown male bearded dragon and would like to get a female now can I put her in the cage as him or do I need to get another house for her and slowly introduce them to each than put them togather. can you help me on this. thank you.

Hello, No bearded dragons much be housed either alone or with other dragons. They will try eat smaller lizards and be stressed by larger lizards also most geckos are awake at night weathers the bearded dragon sleeps at night this would disturb the dragon very much and the gecko wouldnt get his rest during the day. You can get a female and put it in with him but get another 40 gallon setup for the female with lgihts and everything as you want to be sure she is eating well and shows no sign of illness before placing them together as she may make him very ill even if she isnt showing signs of illness she may have parrasites. Also why do you want to place two dragons together? I have to don't seem to be intrested in breeding if you are asking aobut housing different types of lizards together..palcing a female with your male will only lead to breeding beahavier/mating and eggs the female will lay eggs until she is completly drained and will wither away and die, if you want another lizard it would be best to house them seperately to pervent any problems, dragons are best housed alone thou sometiems females can live together without problems...male/female groups or pairs will breed over and over again it doesnt harm teh male as stated above but will kill teh female, also breeding isnt reccomended for just anyone the babies can be very expensive to feed and house/heat properly. Best of luck in whatever you choose to do.