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my gecko and my cat

22 14:48:39

QUESTION: 2 days ago my cat got a hold of my leopard gecko and apparently ran off with her tail...will it grow back, will it be a stub for the rest of her life, will she be okay?

Sorry to hear your leo had a bit of an accident.  Chances are, your leo "dropped" her tail which they are able to do when they are threatened.  
One of the biggest concerns with a dropped tail is because their fat storage is in their tails.  When they drop their tail, they don't have much fat left so its important to keep her very well fed.  I would add a few wax worms a week to her feedings.  Don't over do them,..maybe about 6 a week at the most.  The good news is Leos do re grow their tails..the bad news is it won't be as nice as the original tail was.  To see what a regrown tail looks like, you can see a pic of one of my leos that has a regrown tail.   Go into the folder called "NIPPER"  She has a regrown tail.
Its important to keep a very clean cage for her and if you use sand (which isn't good for leos) or any other loose stuff on the floor of her tank, remove it and use paper towels or newspaper so the tail can stay nice and clean.  Generally, with a tail break there isn't a problem and we can just apply a tiny bit of something like Neosporin antibiotic ointment a few times.  If course if you see anything that doesn't look right, like it drying out above the break or is draining anything, then a vet is needed ASAP to treat for infection.
Sorry it took me a bit to reply but it seems the AllExperts server was down and I had a problme getting there!!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: so, yes, i have sand in her aquarium, but she also has carpet, and small flat smooth stones, i have given her a choice of habitat..there is sand stuck on the tail wound, what should i do to remove it? i called the vet and they told me to leave it alone, but i failed to mention that there was sand in the tank. my last question is would you like to have a cat? haha
LOL on wanting a cat!! Don't be upset with your cat...he was just being a cat and as I said, he may not have even touched your Leo, but she dropped her tail due to feeling threatened and your cat took advantage of the dropped tail..actually, your cat running off with it is just what is suppose to happen...the leo drops its tail and while the tail is still wiggling a bit, the leo makes a safe get away. Nature sure can protect critters!!
If the tail end is still wet, you can wash it with some very diluted Betadine.  When you mix it with water,you want it to be the color of a weak iced tea.  Even applying the Neosporin might help get some of the sand off also.  Do be careful...just pour the mix over or even spray it on. If she is tolerant, you can even put some water with the betadine into a tub and let her soak in it for a few minutes...about 85 degree water and no deeper than her elbow when she is laying flat.
For the safety of your Leo, do remove the sand.  What happens is when they chase their food, they accidently eat the sand and it can cause an intestinal blockage.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: i have had mixed reviews on the sand, i took her in as my x-roommate abandoned her here so i am still learning, but over the past year that she has been in my care, we have had no digestive problems, she has a healthy appetite and her bowel movements are plentiful.  Last question i hope... the wound has dried with sand attached, do i still put her in the warm water and apply the betadine concoction, or what.  She seems to be okay, she is eating and moving around, i just want to make sure the wound heals correctly without a vet visit if at all possible.

Hi Amy,
With sand, many people have had ok luck with it for many years and then their luck isn't so good... If you do wish to use sand(although still not recommended) most recommend using childrens playsand as that it is a finer grain than any of the ones that are sold in pet stores.
If the tail has dried already, I wouldn't mess with it with soaking...just applying some of the ointment most likely will remove the sand.
They do heal pretty fast so that is a good thing.  Glad to hear she is acting normal.