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UV lighting

22 13:27:14

Hi Diane, I followed your advice and just to be sure I replaced my UV bulb on the safe side. This is the one I have:

The desert one is the one I have, I read the I should remove the plastic window the covers the bulb as it can block some on the rays. With removing the window it wont cause to much rays for my beardie will it? I am eventually going to get the reptisun when I get the money but for right now is this safe and will do the job?

Also I have noticed that when I get close to the cage or am doing something he will sometimes close one eye and look at me for a second then reopen the other so both eyes are open again,I read somewhere that they do this to focus on an object,Is this true?

Thank again =)

Hi taylor,
Yes, I mentioned to you in a previous reply that you needed to remove the plastic cover as that no uvb can go through the plastic.  
No, there won't be too much uvb without the cover.
I do suggest that you get the Mega Ray MV bulb eventually as they give out the best amount of uvb plus it is also heat and its all in one screw in bulb.
They close one eye to focus and also can do it to ignore you but to also keep an eye on you with the other eye.. Reptiles are really fasinating creatures when you really sit and watch them.