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My red eared sliders

22 14:46:23

Hello. I have two red eared slider turtles, around 1 1/2 years old.  One is continually biting the other on the front paws, so much he has a sore. I have them in a large tank with plenty of basking room. Also I have separated them for hours and the biting continues. What is causing this, and what can I do to stop. All the help you can give is much appreciated. Thank You.

Hello Allison, there really isn't much you can do except buy another tank for them to be separated all the time or give one of them away (or sell) They might both be males and two males can be very territorial when it comes to their space. No matter how much room they have. Nothing will stop him from doing this except not letting him near the other. Do you know the gender of these turtles? How big is their shell? From the head to the tail on the underside as it is flat. Even females can be territorial but you need to separate them. Its hard to hear and can be expensive but if you don't you are going to have some very unhappy turtles. If the tank is large enough you might be able to put in some type of divider and make sure each has a basking spot. I hope you get them separated and the both cheer up a bit. Good luck