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Anole and Gecko

22 14:46:57

Hello, I have a pet house gecko and green anole living together. I've had them for like 5 months now, and I found two oval shaped eggs in the cage. I didn't know which lizard they belonged too. I had no idea what to do, so I called a herp vet. She said that they wouldn't hatch because they weren't fertile, and not living. But if I hold the eggs up to a light, I can see something in them. Is there  something in them?

Hello Kelsey, it is likely that they could be fertile. Some lizards can hold male sperm until they are ready to lay. So they will mate (while at a pet store or something) and then won't lay until they find a comfortable and space time and place to do it. DON'T turn the eggs over. You want to mark the side facing up and do NOT turn them over. This can drown the little guy inside. It is very possible that they wont hatch but there is still a chance. So incubate them and find out. As for knowing which lizard it belongs to that is a hard one. If they are under a leaf (fake or real) it is usually an anole. Thats a very common place to find them. Put the eggs in a sandy container. Moist but not wet. And incubate them at around 85'F. If it is anole eggs they will take about 35-45 days to hatch. Both lizards lay about an average of 2 eggs a clutch.
I went to research my last question I had like this and it was asked by somebody named Kelsey as well. Here is the link to my answer
If you asked it then I still have no more information then that already given. If not then another Kelsey out there has had the same thing happen.

Anything else just ask