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jaw problems for Uromastyx

22 11:51:53

Our uromastyx named skeeziks is having major problems with her mouth. Her mouth seems to be swollen and she can't chew, or swallow. Skeeziks is gasping for air half the time, has gotten extremely thin and week. We are spoonfeeding her vegetable juices right now to get nutrition in her, but she doesn't seem to be getting better. It is as if her jaw muscles are so swollen and sore that she can't, or won't use them. Please help!

Hi Carmen. A jaw problem could mean metabolic bone disease. There is a calcium deficiency in her diet.  If she's not eating anymore, this is a bad sign. I'm sorry to say but u need to get her over to a herpetogist veterinarian in ur area. Without food or water she will decline quickly. A uromastyx should never been thin. They are chubby little creatures. Try mixing greens with pedialyte. Blend it well. Feed her with an eye dropper. I'm so sorry I couldn't helping more. Good luck with ur little guy