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my leopard geckos neck

22 14:25:58

Hi Tracie,
Today I changed my Leopard Gecko, Leo, from one large cage to a smaller cage. As soon as he was put in the smaller cage I noticed he started freaking out and like trying to climb upside down. Also, my friend noticed that his neck was tilted to the side. He can move it but he wont. Do you think this could be a serious injury or maybe just something else. I have had Leo for 5 years and I am very concerned. If anything comes to mind, I would appreciate some feedback. Thanks...

Hello Jake,

Well, they hate change!  :-))  So most likely when you changed him from a large tank to a small tank, he could have hurt himself freaking out yes.  Was he running around & jumping off of things?  If so he probably did hurt himself.  
Is everything still the same in his smaller tank than it was in the larger tank?  
